Communalism as weapon of corrupt people: Afshan quraishi

In a symposium at our college, Respected Educationist Dr. Devraj Goyal had put a question before us-
‘What is the difference between Independent Republic and Democratic Republic?’

I was ansewred- ‘One, who thinks and acts freely without thinking its result upon his surrounding with an assumption that I am free and having liberty to do whatever I want, that person is ‘Independent Republican’ And where one citizen acts and reacts with a thought in his mind that my liberty is over as soon as other people or citizens begin to exist, is Democratic Republican.

In present scenerio, after learning some fake news related to the incident of a mother elephant murder in Kerala, this unforgettable conversion suddenly flashed in my mind, which is I think is relevant in the context of today… While somehow our journalist and some people on respected posts tweet incorrectly about any incidents without contemplating its consequence. Because of this many questions raised that ‘Are they doing as they are Independent Republicans? Can we call them Democratic Republicans? And Are they performing their duties as they belong to the largest democracy of the world? Who becomes their back?’

And I sighed that these extremists use communlism as a weapon for their own benefit And it is not of today these types of incidents keep taking place often And unconsciously we are always misled.

Thus through this incident I come to learn the rationale of that conversion of respected sir.

-Afshan quraishi
Mawana, Meerut (UP)